A downloadable game

A tabletop miniature skirmish game about trying to survive war on an inconceivable scale. Each player takes the role of the captain of a small flotilla of spaceships, taking on missions and seeing how (or how little) they effect the overall war. The game comes in three zines:

  • Shipyard Codex - Quick, modular ship-building for use with your favorite interlocking toy bricks.
  • Engagement Codex - Skirmish rules for rules lite fleet combat.
  • Campaign Codex - Rules for connecting a series of engagements with a dynamically changing war driving the action.

TG,ES is inspired by Mobile Suit Gundam, the Horatio Hornblower novels by CS Forester, Skerples’ “Medieval Stalemate Simulator”, and a description I once heard of Games Workshop’s Man O’ War (though I've never actually read or played it.) I'm also distantly aware of Mobile Frame Zero 002: Intercept Orbit - another take on a similar theme.

For zine construction, check out this excellent folding guide. Most inkjet printers have a little bit of scatter, so some pages may be a little off register.

Fonts by Omnibus-Type, Cadson Demak, and Carrois Apostrophe.


TGES Shipyard Codex.pdf 208 kB
TGES Engagement Codex.pdf 166 kB
TGES Campaign Codex.pdf 546 kB

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